Why Is Unemployment Still So High?

Why Is Unemployment Still So High?

We are all now, bankers, checkout operators, gas station attendants, home energy meter readers, travel agents, computer experts, web guru's and journalists?

I am sure you don't need me to tell you that. I am also sure you could add to the list of jobs that we do now, that used to employ someone else.

What happened? Some of these jobs were skilled and respected jobs, some were even seen as careers.

People raised their families with these jobs. Now we all pump gas and a do a myriad of other jobs that once employed millions.

Are you really surprised, and is it any wonder that mass unemployment persists?

British governments of all colours have progressively raised the school leaving age over the last 45 years.

In 1971 the school leaving age was 15 years of age. In 2016 it stands at 18-19 years of age.

This method alone has removed 2 million 'students' from the unemployment figures. Secondly millions have been persuaded to stay in education and 'get a degree' no matter how worthless it may be.
Unpaid Internships are now the norm rather than the exception..

We are the Robots

Robot taking over the world.
Automation of some processes is desirable and understandable in some cases.

Robots are useful for dangerous or repetitive jobs, but what has happened?

There has been a shift to 'us' doing more of the work of former employees and workers. We are the robots that have replaced these workers.

New technology has created more jobs than it has destroyed unfortunately those workers that do not have high end technical skills are left twisting in the wind.

Many jobs have been created offering zero hour contracts with low pay and no security not to mention being soul destroying.

In addition millions of jobs had been outsourced to countries that were much cheaper and yielded more profit. This however is changing fast. India is now becoming too expensive for many manufacturers.

Even highly skilled craftsmen are being replaced. The public may end up with inferior products but this seems to be acceptable to the average consumer. In fact many people have a sense of pride that they own fake goods. They feel that they are sticking it to the man!

We do need skilled labour? If we need a plumber. We don't call a hamburger tosser.

We want to know that our doctors, teachers or lawyers have been trained properly. These professions are now in the firing line for technological change. Some commentators believe we are entering a new dark age of ignorance.

As humans we have basic needs that have to be fulfilled. The decision to do whatever it takes or is necessary to provide for family and oneself has not changed.

As the official economy deflates and contracts. People find themselves without the means to earn a living, they turn to the black economy.

It overrides and ignores political shenanigans, as witnessed in the so-called Arab Spring. People could not buy bread, that was and still is the driving force that launched the revolt.

This aspect of the uprisings has been largely ignored by the wider mass media.

Interviews of participants in the recent uprisings, indicated that they couldn't care less who was in charge of the country, as long as they could get bread. Which they couldn't.

It has been portrayed that the middle class was revolting, the truth is, it was the working class that wanted and needed to topple these harsh regime's. The middle class had been doing ok for decades.

The underlying cause of the revolt was the inability of the ordinary working person to feed their families, the middle classes were also feeling the pinch and just jumped on the bandwagon, this is what truly motivated these revolts. Structural change and enforced unemployment.

 In the west, the rising unemployment statistics hide a much larger problem. Successive governments have manipulated the figures for many years. The Office of National Statistics (ONS) statistics are virtually meaningless.

The real number of underemployed or unemployed is more like 4 times the reported figures.

For example:- If you are an intern or on a training scheme, you are not earning a living. You are also not counted as unemployed.

This is the true cost to the system and why the deficit, will never be fixed, with so many economically inactive in our society. It is doomed to stagnation, and a further decline in living standards.

Your house price is not going up. The truth is; the value of money is falling.

We need the basic's to survive. If we are deprived of the ability to earn enough to supply these basic needs we are 3 meals away from anarchy. As mentioned above.

Politicians know what needs to be done. Why they are not doing it?

How long before the public wise-up?

In 1947 in Britain, the four big railway companies were virtually bankrupt. The British government stepped in and bought up these failing enterprises. Much to the joy of the owners who bit the governments arm off with the offer.

Fast forward to now. The British government now owns 80% to 90% of many UK high street banks as they too were failing. Too big to fail? Why?

In both cases they saved millions of jobs, albeit temporarily. But who benefited? The Bankers and their shareholders (your pension fund, insurance and investments)

Why is it that the government can save the banks, but at the same time ignore the other failing elements of the economy like the Tata Steel fiasco.

The public sector is under attack and no-one cares until they see their schools and hospitals closing, by which time it is all too late.
April 2016 Junior Doctors are on strike in the UK. Teachers are working one step away from strike action.

Surely we must have evolved enough to find a better or more equitable way of living and earning a crust. Because this way just isn't working. Unless you are one of the 1%. And that is a whole different story.

Communism didn't work, Capitalism has failed 99% of the world. Socialism is a pipe-dream.

It is time for some new thinking.  All suggestions welcome.

I am a teacher of ICT and Lecturer in Economics. Support my blogs

Writing has all the Elements of an Addiction

Writing has all the Element of an Addiction. 

Writing Online, why do we really do it?

Writing is a fun and healthy addiction. It can be a bit of a life changer. It is an addiction but in a good way. You can support me to do something I love. How good can it get?

If you want to quit one bad habit, replace it with another good habit, as the old adage states. 

Writing in an online community gives one the euphoria of some major narcotics without the guilt or the potential jail time. Watching the view counter ticking up and seeing who shares your work is intoxicating. 
Are you suffering from 'Feed Addiction'. I made that up, don't panic.

It is better than online games as you end up with something tangible, Your article, poem or even a whole book.
Eureka moments come thick and fast but not followed by those down in the dump moments.

One minute you think you have it all sussed out, and then realise you really don't. Which just makes one work harder to understand, each particular element of this writing puzzle.
Then one day, you see that you have earned a whole $0.4 c.

Okay so not exactly high finance but you will still jump around and tell everyone who you can tie down, that you have earned a whole $0.4 c. For a months solid writing work, for 12 hours a day!

People will look at you, as if you are a raving lunatic, they are right to think that. But they are missing the point and wrong as usual. Learning that writing is fun, can be very liberating and immensely rewarding.
Not a drudge that you have to do but something you enjoy doing. 

The hours of research, the editing, re-editing, proofreading and you may still miss a typo. These obsessive behaviours, and thinking you are 'right', are also classic signals in the definition of an addiction.

To the non writer these behaviours may seem extreme, but it is what many of us do. Why? because we love the process, from idea to finished article. It involves many intricate and interconnected steps to lead a reader through a story or thought process.

Never write for a search engine. They cannot read. 

We are learning in the company of a supportive and encouraging group of like minded individuals and friends. That is the real power and attraction of online writing communities. 

The non writers don't know what you know. That first $0.4 c you earned is just an indicator, a start, this thing works, you just have to figure it all out. Months later it all becomes clear. 
The community is everything and they are what really matters. 

'It's a business Jim, but now as we know it.' To paraphrase Star Treks Dr. McCoy.

Eureka! I Think I've Got It?

When you do have those breakthrough moments, and they came thick and fast. You begin to realise, that there are many elements, that have to work together, in order for your work to really stand out on the world wide web.


No amount of tweaking and fiddling around is going to replace those supportive and kind words that the writers give each other. We all share a common goal. We want to write and we want to be read. 

Each writer has their own particular taste's. From brilliant poet's to people who write on a diverse range of topics, including the kitchen sink, and what extractor fan you need for your oven.

Each writing project is equally creative but aims to address different needs and emotions in the reader. 
Apart from the sheer joy of reading and writing, many like recognition for their writing efforts.

The easiest way to gauge whether you are writing things that other people are enjoying, is to look at your readership statistics. How many people read your work.

The point about this writing addiction is, that in psychological terms it is very good for you. 
Many famous writers battled with drug and alcohol addictions.

Our obsession with improving or writing, conform's to the definition of an addiction, but without the negative connotations or consequences.

Writing itself has many positive impacts on our health and well-being, it reduces stress. Writing is fun and can be very therapeutic. 
Getting something off your chest and on the page can help clarify our views.

The nature of the ever evolving process of writing, gives us positive feedback. This is sometimes known as a virtuous circle. Think, write, think some more, write some more, the very process itself is therapeutic as you tear the thing to pieces in order to make it comprehensible to your readers.

How did I start Writing.

I have achieved what I had set out to achieve i.e. to prove that it was possible to make some money online, from scratch, with no prior knowledge of writing 'articles' for a particular audience.

Except I am now just addicted to the whole process. It's fun and rewarding in so many other ways. 

My articles are on a variety of topics. I do not limit myself to a 'niche'. I just enjoy writing about what I like, or what is on my mind. All of my work in that respect are essays or trails and experiments.

I do have a lot of internet experience, and on how search engines work, and on the software that runs the whole system. Because I'm an ICT Teacher. These skills came in useful, but were not much help when you want to write about Snoring.

I had been thinking about writing for many years, when I fell into a writing website. It was easy to use and allowed quick publication. I was hooked from the start. Today I am happy to say, that my addiction has allowed me to meet some truly amazing people.

Global Friends

I have met writers from every corner of the world and almost every walk of life. Reading their work is like being a virtual tourist. Many describe where they live and the local places of interest. Their writing transports us there. 
Anyone that has travelled, will know that to have a local person, telling you about their part of the country, beats any generic tour guide hands down.

Local knowledge from local people.

These writers are truly inspirational. They are teacher'scomputer specialist's, poet's, novelist's, creative's.  
Writing astherapy is a well establish treatment in dealing with harmful addictions.

Many of the writers I have met have something else in common. Many are at the top of their field, and are passionate about what they write about. 
So what are my feelings about being a writing addict? I am in very good company and I hope to never find a cure.

Sharing really is Caring

I hope you enjoyed my experience with writing. If you did then give it a thumbs up and press those Google like buttons. Share the writing you enjoy with your family and friends.

You can check my blog on some other fun ways to make some money online at my Google website.  It's all quite simple to do, but definitely not easy.

Thanks for dropping by and come again soon. 

Do you think your behaviour fit's in with this definition of an addiction?

Then your writing is fun too. Enjoy It!

Boeing 787 Dreamliner

Boeing 787 Dreamliner 

Catch the Dreamliner your ticket to the Future

Boeing converts just another Airplane into a Game Changer. Now that the teething troubles seem to be out of the way and the suspect batteries are being replaced.
Source Boeing

Oliver Cromwell and King Charles 1st

England's Civil War ( 1642-1651)

How did a chicken farmer from East Anglia depose a King, and why? The story of Oliver Cromwell and King Charles 1st is so bizarre that you couldn't make this stuff up.

He seems the most unlikely character, to end up overthrowing a monarch, and putting into motion events, which created and formed the way many of us live today, but that is exactly what he did.

The debate over whether Cromwell was a hero or a villain depends who's side you are on, even today the debate continues.  Support molometer's blog

How did a chicken farmer from East Anglia depose a King and why? Read more

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