How to use the VW park assist on the Tiguan self parking car

Self parking cars have set the stage for fully autonomous vehicles. #selfparkingcars #technology #parkassist

African Tribal Dances

If this doesn't get you feet tapping then I don't know what will. I filmed this some time back and recently discovered it again.
The troupe are all professional dancers trained in traditional African dancing and have toured the world. Hope you enjoy it as much as we did.
This is a hoot!

African Tribal Dances Selection of southern african tribal dances #tribal #dances #african #fab

Studio lighting

How to set up for lighting for making YouTube videos at home. #softbox #studio #lighting #continuous #Craphy Get an expert!

blue steel

Day 2 of the hair dye experiment. Looking like #zoolander #bluesteel #funny 

Narcissism hair dye for men Controlgx shampoo

Is this Narcissism or simply trying to look your best? #narcissism #narcissist #selfies

Greenwich tall ships festival was excellent

It was just a great way to spend some time with family and watch the passing parade of tall ships. Brilliant.

New Vlogging Camera Canon D500

My son gave me his old Canon 500D Camera. It's not the newest thing on the street but it works great for my vlogging. 

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Hive Metaverse Crypto Conference